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Help us do more for nature

Wildflowers, bulbs and many trees not only give our urban parks a pop of colour, they provide essential support systems for butterflies, bees and other wildlife. We're on a mission to help wildlife recover. Please donate today and help us plant more wild and native flowers across our parks so our butterflies and bees can flourish.

Supporting Bournemouth’s Aviary

The rescue aviary in Bournemouth's Lower Gardens is a sanctuary for almost 200 homeless tropical birds, all looked after by wonderful volunteers. Please help us raise the funds needed to continue caring for these wonderful birds...

Parks in Mind

Parks in Mind provides fun nature conservation and other outdoor activities to help improve your health and wellbeing

Help us do more for nature

Wildflowers, bulbs and many trees not only give our urban parks a pop of colour, they provide essential support systems for butterflies, bees and other wildlife. We're on a mission to help wildlife recover. Please donate today and help us plant more wild and native flowers across our parks so our butterflies and bees can flourish.

Wildlife Bus

Would you like to meet the wildlife neighbours who are right on your doorstep? Then why not hop on our Wildlife Bus!

Winton Park Café

A community hub focusing on nature-based activities. Serving local homemade cakes and delicious coffee - enjoy a brew knowing you'll be helping your park too.

Supporting Bournemouth’s Aviary

The rescue aviary in Bournemouth's Lower Gardens is a sanctuary for almost 200 homeless tropical birds, all looked after by wonderful volunteers. Please help us raise the funds needed to continue caring for these wonderful birds...

Parks in Mind

Parks in Mind provides fun nature conservation and other outdoor activities to help improve your health and wellbeing

Wildlife cameras

We're raising funds to install more webcams and stream live wildlife footage from across our parks and nature reserves. It's compelling viewing. Please note that cameras may not always be live.

Wildlife Bus

Would you like to meet the wildlife neighbours who are right on your doorstep? Then why not hop on our Wildlife Bus!

Winton Park Café

A community hub focusing on nature-based activities. Serving local homemade cakes and delicious coffee - enjoy a brew knowing you'll be helping your park too.

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