Help us do more for nature
Wildflowers, bulbs and many trees not only give our urban parks a pop of colour, they provide essential support systems for butterflies, bees and other wildlife. We're on a mission to help wildlife recover. Please donate today and help us plant more wild and native flowers across our parks so our butterflies and bees can flourish.
Bring back wildlife – help us sow more wildflowers
Every year, as spring bursts into life, we’re hearing more birds in our parks and seeing the insects, animals and butterflies return to the blossom and flowers. But they’re not returning in the numbers they once did. More than 70% of our butterflies have disappeared over the last ten years and some bee species are near extinction. In fact, the rate of extinction for insects is eight times faster than that of mammals, birds and reptiles.
This dramatic loss of insects is due to a number of factors including the use of pesticides, increasing temperatures and, especially, with the loss of more than 97% of wildflower meadows across the UK.
Please donate to our wildflower planting project today and enable wildlife to thrive. Help us sow more wildflowers, plant more bulbs and trees, and create more ponds and hedges in our parks. Click on the orange donate button to support now.
Did you know:
- 1/3 of all the food crops that we grow need insects to pollinate them. 87% of all our plants are pollinated by animals – and most of this is delivered by butterflies, bees and other insects.
- In Bournemouth, 1 in 11 people do not have access to a private or shared garden, meaning that access to parks and green spaces is hugely important
- Being in nature and parks is proven to support improved health and wellbeing. 70% of us say that parks had a positive impact on improving our physical and mental health during lockdown giving you the space and time to breath
- Accessing parks and greenspaces for your health will save the NHS nearly £111m a year nationally from reduced visits
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