Leave a gift in your will
You have the opportunity to leave a truly meaningful legacy, which will enrich Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole's green spaces and benefit future generations to come.
Do something extraordinary
By leaving us a gift in your will, you’ll be ensuring our parks and green spaces remain for future generations. Any gift, no matter how large or small, really can make a difference.
Leave a legacy and help the local place you love live forever
By bequesting a gift in your will you’ll be ensuring the parks and green spaces in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole remain for future generations. Any gift, no matter how large or small really can make a difference.
After you’ve provided for your loved ones, there are a various ways you can choose to leave a gift to a charity in your will – this could be a residuary or pecuniary gift. Although it may be a hard decision to decide which charity to leave a gift to, the process is very simple. We’ve suggested wording below that you can ask your solicitor or legal professional to add to your will depending on the type of gift you’d like to leave:
A share of your estate: Known as a residuary gift, this is a percentage of everything you own, minus any debts. “I leave _______ per cent of the residue of my real and personal estate to The Parks Foundation, The Cricket Pavilion, Winton Recreation Ground, Bournemouth, BH9 1BX, registered charity number: 1159939.”
A cash gift: Known as a pecuniary gift, you could leave a set sum of money in your will. “I leave the sum of ______(in words) pounds £____ (in figures) to The Parks Foundation, The Cricket Pavilion, Winton Recreation Ground, Bournemouth, BH9 1BX, registered charity number: 1159939.”
A specific gift: Also known as a pecuniary gift, you may choose to leave a gift that’s not money. This could be anything from gardening tools or a valuable saleable item such as jewellery or furniture. You can also state where you would like this gift to be donated to. “I leave ______to The Parks Foundation, The Cricket Pavilion, Winton Recreation Ground, Bournemouth, BH9 1BX, registered charity number: 1159939.”
If you are considering leaving a gift to us in your will please get in touch and we’d be happy to help you through the process or discuss your plans.
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- Parks in Mind – our monthly programme listing our upcoming wellbeing activities for adults.